Hello World!


I’ve been thinking about starting a blog of some sort for a while, but I’ve never gotten around to it, maybe because I always get bogged down in the details of what I want this to be. Questions such as: Who the heck is going to read this? How will I build an audience and keep people engaged when most people just consume social media? Maybe I actually want a Substack newsletter? Or some sort of homegrown email newsletter? How do I avoid getting locked into a proprietary platform? Is Tumblr still a real thing, or is just dying a slow death? …

So it’s now been a few years, and I’m finally going to just start something, and stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. So here it is – Minimum Viable Blog is the working name for now. No fancy features or too much planning, just a Wordpress blog.

My hope is that this will be a useful place for me to share my thoughts and life updates with friends, family, colleagues past and present, and the world at large, and maybe start some conversations along the way. I will try to share interesting things, and I will try not to hold myself to too perfect a standard, with the understanding that I will make mistakes and change my mind and grow as a person over time. If, in a few years, I look back and don’t see anything cringe-worthy or dumb or naive on this blog, then that will probably mean that I self-filtered too heavily or hadn’t grown much.

Thanks for reading. More to come soon, maybe…